Center Profile

Director: Arlene Madrid
Admin. Assistant:Laurie Benns
2611 Woodlyn Road
Pasadena, CA 91107
Phone:(626)794-4614 Fax:(626)794-3332

Step by Step, with its infant and preschool houses, is located in a safe, quiet nieghborhood. The homelike setting and spacious outside area presents a unique and inviting setting for children. As the majority of the teachers have been with the company for many years, parents leave the Center each morning with a sense of comfort and security that their children receive the best care.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gobble Gobble!

November 19th @ 6:00 p.m. we're having our PAL Meeting. Our guest speaker is Pat Kosis from Foothill Family Services. She'll be talking about Early Esteem.

Then on November 21st is our Multicultural Feast @ 11:30 a.m.

We extend a warm welcome to Laurie Benns our new Family Service Coordinator and Jeneen Garcia our new cook.


We received our NAEYC re-accrediation as of October 31st 2008 to 2013. We're all very excited about this great news.

We also received the Center of the Year 2008 and the Director of the Year 2008. We were all very excited about receiving the awards.

